A digital ecosystem where everyone grows together by complementing each other’s strengths.

EDCAS - A one-stop digital solution for your student recruitment and student management processes. EDCAS is a part of international education company, EdLogica. We work closely with the educational partners and provide customized solutions to meet their business requirements. Through years of expertise, profound knowledge in the sector, unwavering support from the education providers, trustworthiness of our agency partners, and a multitude of brainstorming ideas from never-tiring assets of EdLogica – we initialized this concept of serving everyone from one place. EdLogica has always been open to new opportunities and new commitments which keeps us growing. Our commitment to serve everyone better every day has enabled us to mark our footprints around the world.

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An inspired idea
to create the very best
Digital Platform for Recruiters.

Having spent over a decade working in the international education field, we noticed the difficulties faced by our study abroad student consultants and agents.

In response to this, we decided to create our complete end-to-end software platform specifically designed to help them work more efficiently and maximise their placements.

In addition to providing a searchable database of some of the leading UK universities, the system also enables recruiters to easily create multiple applications with a single click as well as, periodically collect their commissions and bonuses.

Contact us for further information or request a free demo today.

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